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Is it time to build or time to buy? That’s the question that faces many of the customers we work with—and the answer isn’t a cookie-cutter one. The truth is, the journey to home ownership presents a pivotal decision between building something custom or buying something that is move-in ready. 

Both choices are good ones, it ultimately comes down to a few things:

Custom Homes: Tailored to You

Design Control

Custom homes offer a unique opportunity to design a home that perfectly matches your vision. From the floor plan to the finishes, having a say in every decision means you end up with a final build that is uniquely you. This level of personalization can be incredibly satisfying and result in a home that feels truly one-of-a-kind.


In real estate, location is key, and oftentimes custom homebuyers are looking to build in newly developed areas with specific school districts or amenities in mind.


With a custom home, you can incorporate the latest technologies including eco-friendly features or luxury amenities that cater to your specific needs and preferences. Expanded kitchens, home theater rooms, and tailored closet spaces are just a few things we see quite often in custom builds.


Custom homes tend to hold their value well over time if they are built by a reputable builder in a solid location. Their personalized designs can often help them stand out in a good way during crowded resale periods.

Move-in Ready: Ready for you


Move-in ready homes, also known as pre-existing homes or spec homes, are perfect for the homebuyer who is interested in moving in sooner rather than later. They have the added benefit of being ready to tour, which means you can truly see exactly what you are buying before you ever put money on the table.

No Decision Fatigue

Move-in ready homes are a finished product. If you’re the type who doesn’t like to make decisions when it comes to designs and fixtures, an existing home purchase may be the best path forward for you.

Predictable Cost

When buying a move-in ready home, you can expect to have a clearer understanding of your overall costs upfront. Unfortunately with many custom home-builders, project delays and poor planning can result in surprise costs throughout the building process. Note: This is never an issue with Kimberley Custom Homes because we guarantee our pricing at the start of every custom home build.


Many move-in ready homes are located in well-established communities complete with parks, pools, and nearby schools. For this reason, many families choose a move-in ready home when considering all of the options.


A home purchase is a personal decision, and the choice between custom home and a move-in ready is one that is best decided by individuals and their families based on their needs and goals.

Whichever your family needs, Kimberley Development offers home options that are unparalleled in Central Iowa. With the latest floorplans and fixtures across our entire portfolio, you are sure to find the move-in ready or custom home of your dreams with our team in your corner.

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